Montag, 6. Juli 2015

My birthday weekend

Birthdays are special. They might not be as exciting as they once were, but it's nice to know that I've come so far. I sometimes look back and realise how silly my concerns were and how much I've grown. It's amazing actually. 

Anyway, on to the pic-spam!

My boyfriend surprised me with this amazing cake! I love strawberries and cake and anything sweet. 

My best friend came from London to visit me and brought me this cute package! I miss her already! 

The cake as of a result of alcohol and being hungry... I put the candles on after because we all forgot. haha. 

Party time!

Hamburg at 20:00. I love how bright it stays in the summer. 

VIP status babyyy~


The alcohol (of course) haha

Great way to end the night. 

Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015

Adventures with dyeing my mahogany (failed)

My hair doesn't like to keep hairdye in, but I like to dye it.... 

I tried to due to mahogany after having it caramel blonde for ca. six months... Everyone said the purple (at the front of my fringe which you can't see) would fade.... It stayed purple.

My hair isn't normal. It does what it wants. If I dye it brown with a red undertone, I'm left with red.... Thank you hair for being so kind. (-_-) '

It faded out by now. But I will be dyeing the tips pink soon! :3

The day I dyed my hair:

One month later:

Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015

Bremen Trip and Primark

Hello everyone! How are you guys doing today? (Hopefully good, if not I'm sending virtual hugs) <3

I went to Bremen on Thursday! And also lost my Primark-virgnity 😁 

I've been to Bremen a couple times before, but never in the summer when it was sunny and warm. I have to say, I fell in love with the city. The Altstadt is gorgeous! It doesn't compare with Hamburg's at all.

We ate lunch by the river at a cute little restaurant called Camario. Amazing Italian food for an OK price! 🙌🏻😙 

We sat outside in the shade and I felt like I was back in South Beach (almost!). 

We then walked around the city, looking at the old buildings and marvelling at the gorgeous cathedrals and town hall.

We wanted to go up the tower but after we read it was 265 steps, we opted out. We weren't about to lose our walking ability before our trip even really started! 😅

After that we travelled into the niches of Bremen and looked at how tiny the houses were and how cute it must have been back in the day.

We then travelled for about 20 minutes to get to the Lindt Chocolate outlet! Totally worth it 😜

After we travelled back all the way to the city and then to Primark. I went a bit crazy! But I couldn't resist all the cute Pjs and random crap that I probably didn't need 😅 but hey, it's my Bday on the 8th!  I can do whatever~ 

I have to say though that the quality is very poor which is why I only bought pjs, socks and some underwear and accessories. You get what you pay for!!! 

And then it was already 19:00 and time to go home 😁❤️

Until next time 😘

Dienstag, 28. April 2015

Aniexty and Depression and all those other issues.

This might be a bit of a shock and it's actually something I'm not really comfortable talking about, but I want to express this. I think it's important to know that you are not alone.

Yes, as you may have figured from the title, I suffer from clinical depression. Not the kind of 'depression' you get when someone passes away or you're hurt, no. It's the kind that doesn't go away, it stays and festers itself into your body and won't leave you alone. I also suffer slightly from social anxiety, this however, I think comes from a long childhood of being bullied, but I'll get to that later.

What is depression? I could give you the dictionary and tell you to look it up, but I think best is to describe the way I see it (or you in this case?). To me depression is a black hole that sucks everything from inside me up and leaves me feeling empty. It rips apart at corners in my brain and causes me to want to stay inside my bed-burrito all day. It takes away my daily motivation to do anything and makes me tumble into a never-ending vortex of self-hate and general blah-ness. It makes me look in the mirror and makes me pick apart everything that could be wrong with me (hair, eyes, mouth, face, neck, etc.). It makes me feel small and tivial. I lose my selfconfidence, my apeteite and my appreciation for life.

When I'm stuck inside this tunnel, I can't see the way out. I usually don't find my way back very easily. It takes weeks sometimes.

And then when I've found my way out, I'm an outgoing and happy person and I often don't recongnise myself. It's so strange, even for me.

I'm lucky I guess, that my friends support me and my family is there for me and that my boyfriend unrolls my blanket-burrito and helps me get back on my feet. I'm lucky. I know.

But sometimes you're forced to be alone and then, even if you are lucky, this can be your worst nightmare. Being alone, having to fight demons alone... that sort of thing is scary. And I don't know when I will be ready for that. I'm not strong enough for that. Not yet at least.

I wish I would have told someone before it was all too late and would leave scars so deep that they always bleed. And it's not like you can wake up one day and say "I'm gonna be ok today"... That doesn't work. I wish it did. 

I'm just rambling, but I wanted to let you know, you're not alone. And never ever be afraid to speak up. People are cruel and stupid, but some people are heartwarming and kind. And those kind people, they will help you. I promise. 

If you think no one is there to listen, message me. I'll listen. I promise <3 

Ophee <3 

Dienstag, 21. April 2015

London 2014

Before you start... yes this was last year. I just got around to actually sitting down and blogging. Life has been pretty crazy atm. :) But I want to share my experince regardless. 


First, amazing. Second, amazing. Third, I'm in love.

I went to England to visit my best friend and I kind of fell in love with London <3 It's a gorgeous city and a wonderful place to visit and live!

Sadly, I didn't see the Queen :( But one day I will! :)

Anyway, enjoy the photos!

Big Ben! Such a beautiful sight 

China Town! Sadly, it was overcrowded due to the Chinese New Year. But it was still amazing to see :)

The London Eye. I want a ferris wheel that big in Germany too!!!

I had to... like seriously. This is typical.
At Buckingham Palace! (Oh god... I look so young...) 

Slightly drunk with my best friend.

Love you guys!
-Ophelia~ <3